Domain Name Registration &  Hosting
Cable TV Design & Installation
Local Partner, Local Innovation; Global Connection!
Electronics & Electrical Repairs & Installation .com.pg     .org.pg     .gov.pg     .net.pg     .ac.pg     .edu.pg K110.00 per Month  Domain Name Hosting
Professional companies, organizations, institutions and individuals, have their own domain names to elevate them, set them apart, and make them standout. Domain Names identify your company, organization or institution on the Internet and make you stand out from the rest. Domain Names give your organization a good image and professionalism. It shows how organized your business is. At the moment, you might be using free email accounts or using other ISPs domain name. For example, your company might be using yourcompany@freeemailacc.com. The bad thing about free email accounts is that people are now abusing the system and using free email accounts to commit crime and other illegal activities. Therefore, most companies, who have their own domain names,  are now filtering out free email accounts and considering them as spams. So you are filtered out. Why not use your own domain name? For example, if your company’s name is ABC Limited, then your company’s domain name would be .abclimited.com.pg. And your email would be something like this, nancy@abclimited.com.pg or sales@abclimited.com.pg. Your website would be www.abclimited.com.pg. Mortronix can help you register your organization’s domain name, and host it.  Let us help your company, business, organization, school or institute, e-communicate better.
Domain Name Service Mortronix Electronic Networking | Registered | Website Designed by Sebs | Copyright 2015 100% Papua New Guinea Owned Business home services products projects