Community Radio
Station Design &
Local Partner, Local Innovation; Global Connection!
Not every rural areas and communities of PNG can receive the FM radio signal broadcasting
from different radio stations. Therefore, most of them are not in contact with what’s going on in
the country and around the world, and have become ignorant.
One of the medium through which we can educate and inform our rural communities is through
the use of radio, and Mortronix is becoming part of this by setting up community radio stations
through Church Partners and NGOs.
Since our establishment, Mortronix has been partnering with Alpha Broadcast Services
International (ABSI), a reputable consultancy business based in Adelaide Australia. ABSI
specializes in establishment of Community Radio Station, and has international experience in
setting up community radio stations.
In Papua New Guinea, ABSI teams up with Mortronix to design, install and maintain community
radio stations. One of the first organizations in PNG to setup a community radio station is the
Baptist Union of PNG, having pioneered two different community radio stations already in Tekin
and Kompiam respectively. Mortronix is priviledged to be engaged by BUPNG as its Assistant
Radio Consltant, and also to be providing first line technical support to the two radio stations.
Community Radio Stations play a bigger part in the development of a specific community by
helping to broadcast specific topics, issues, news and messages that are of benefit to the rural
people. Topics like personal development, family healthcare, agriculture, government, politics,
law and order, economy, natural disasters, etc, community radio station will educate and inform
the people. Community Radio Station is not like other radio stations. It has a different concept.
Mortronix understands the concept and functions of Community Radio Stations, and we can
assist any Church, NGO, Community, and even the Government, to design and setup a
Community Radio Station for a specific community. We build the station up from scratch, from
inside the studio, to transmission, to repeaters, and even design and install solar or wind power
to power the entire radio station. We are your Community Radio Partner!